Silver lime woods

Common name:
Silver lime woods
Habitat code:

[Tilia tomentosa]-dominated facies of mixed deciduous forests of southern Central Europe and the northern and middle part of the Balkan peninsula, mostly within the [Quercion frainetto] environment, but also locally developed in conjunction with eastern [Carpinion betuli] forests.

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Tilia tomentosa Moench, 1785 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name
F00010000 F00010000 GARVAN
F00010600 F00010600 LOMOVETE
F00012700 F00012700 KARLUKOVSKI KARST
F00000900 F00000900 VITOSHA
F00009700 F00009700 OSTROVCHE
F00009800 F00009800 LUDOGORIE
F00009400 F00009400 TICHA
F00009100 F00009100 SHUMENSKO PLATEAU
F00010300 F00010300 BOBLATA
F00010500 F00010500 BELENSKA GORA
F00013400 F00013400 BELOGRADCHIK ROCKS