Woodland, forest and other wooded land

Common name:
Woodland, forest and other wooded land
Habitat code:

Woodland and recently cleared or burnt land where the dominant vegetation is, or was until very recently, trees with a canopy cover of at least 10%. Trees are defined as woody plants, typically single-stemmed, that can reach a height of 5 m at maturity unless stunted by poor climate or soil. Includes lines of trees, coppices, regularly tilled tree nurseries, tree-crop plantations and fruit and nut tree orchards. Includes [Alnus] and [Populus] swamp woodland and riverine [Salix] woodland. Excludes [Corylus avellana] scrub and [Salix] and [Frangula] carrs. Excludes stands of climatically-limited dwarf trees (krummholz) < 3m high, such as occur at the arctic or alpine tree limit. Excludes parkland and dehesa with canopy less than 10%, which are listed under sparsely wooded grasslands E7.

ILE SAS, 2005
Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Accipiter nisus Linnaeus, 1758 Primary breeding habitat
Aegithalos caudatus Linnaeus, 1758 Primary breeding habitat
Anthus trivialis Linnaeus, 1758 Secondary breeding habitat
Buteo buteo (Linnaeus, 1758) Primary breeding habitat
Carduelis chloris (Linnaeus, 1758) Secondary breeding habitat
Erithacus rubecula (Linnaeus, 1758) Primary breeding habitat
Jynx torquilla Linnaeus, 1758 Primary breeding habitat
Passer montanus (Linnaeus, 1758) Other habitat (i.e. than primary or secondary breeding habitat)
Phoenicurus phoenicurus (Linnaeus, 1758) Primary breeding habitat
Phylloscopus collybita (Vieillot, 1817) Primary breeding habitat
Prunella modularis (Linnaeus, 1758) Primary breeding habitat
Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus, 1758 Other habitat (i.e. than primary or secondary breeding habitat)
Troglodytes troglodytes (Linnaeus, 1758) Primary breeding habitat
Turdus merula Linnaeus, 1758 Primary breeding habitat
Turdus philomelos Brehm, 1831 Primary breeding habitat
Turdus viscivorus Linnaeus, 1758 Secondary breeding habitat
Corylus avellana Linnaeus, 1753 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Pinus nigra J.F.Arnold, 1785
Salix alba Linnaeus, 1751
Pinus peuce Griseb., 1844
Pinus sylvestris Linnaeus, 1753
Pinus halepensis Miller, 1768
Pinus halepensis brutia (Ten., 1811-1815) Holmboe, 1914
Abies alba Miller, 1768
Abies borisii-regis Mattf., 1925
Quercus coccifera Linnaeus, 1753
Quercus cerris Linnaeus, 1753
Acer platanoides Linnaeus, 1753
Acer pseudoplatanus Linnaeus, 1753
Abies cephalonica Loudon, 1838
Ulmus minor Mill., 1768
Tilia tomentosa Moench, 1785
Tilia platyphyllos Scop., 1772
Tilia cordata Mill., 1768
Platanus orientalis Linnaeus, 1753
Ulmus canescens Melville Kew Bull., 1957
Quercus pubescens Willd., 1805
Quercus trojana Webb, 1839
Quercus frainetto Ten., 1813
Quercus ilex Linnaeus, 1753
Populus nigra Linnaeus, 1753
Populus tremula Linnaeus, 1753
Populus canescens (Aiton) Sm. Fl. brit., 1804
Populus alba Linnaeus, 1753
Salix cinerea Linnaus, 1753
Salix elaeagnos Scop., 1772
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
G4 Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland
G5 Lines of trees, small anthropogenic woodlands, recently felled woodland, early-stage woodland and coppice Lines of trees, small anthropogenic woodlands, recently felled woodland, early-stage woodland and coppice
G2 Broadleaved evergreen woodland Broadleaved evergreen woodland
G3 Coniferous woodland Coniferous woodland
G1 Broadleaved deciduous woodland Broadleaved deciduous woodland
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name
GR930002 GR930002 Almopia Arideas natural mixed forest
GR930003 GR930003 Embonas cypress forest (Rhodos island)
GR930005 GR930005 Kouri Almyrou oak forest
GR930014 GR930014 Tsichla Chaidou beech forest
GR930015 GR930015 Central Rodopi virgin forest
GR930016 GR930016 Paranesti virgin forest
GR930010 GR930010 Olympus
GR930001 GR930001 Ainos
GR930012 GR930012 Samaria
GR2520002 GR2520002 Limni Taka