Subarctic and alpine dwarf willow scrub

Common name:
Subarctic and alpine dwarf willow scrub
Habitat code:

[Salix] scrub composed of species that rarely exceed 1.5 m in height. Dwarf willow scrub is well developed in boreal and arctic mountains and in subarctic lowlands. In mountains of the nemoral and warm-temperate zones, stands of dwarf willow scrub are of much smaller extent and are charactistic of late-lying snow patches. They occur in the Alps, Pyrenees, Carpathians and Caucasus, and very locally to the south in the Paeonian mountains, Sierra Nevada, Cordillera Central, Monti Sibillini and Abruzzi. They occur locally in the Scottish Highlands and in the Sudeten.

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Eryngium alpinum Linnaeus, 1753 Annex II species - habitat relation; source Unit of Vegetation Science, Lancaster, 2000
Arenaria ciliata ssp. ciliata L. Annex II species - habitat relation; source Unit of Vegetation Science, Lancaster, 2000
Gentiana lutea Linnaeus, 1753 Annex II species - habitat relation; source Unit of Vegetation Science, Lancaster, 2000
Aquilegia alpina L. Annex II species - habitat relation; source Unit of Vegetation Science, Lancaster, 2000
Diplazium sibiricum (Turcz. ex Kunze) Sa.Kurata, 1844 Annex II species - habitat relation; source Unit of Vegetation Science, Lancaster, 2000
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
F2.12 Boreo-alpine calcicline snow-patch dwarf willow scrub Boreo-alpine calcicline snow-patch [Salix polaris] scrub
F2.13 Ponto-Caucasian snow-patch dwarf willow scrub Ponto-Caucasian snow-patch dwarf [Salix] scrub
F2.11 Boreo-alpine acidocline snow-patch dwarf willow scrub Boreo-alpine acidocline snow-patch [Salix herbacea] scrub