Helleno-Carpatho-Balkanic [Silene] siliceous cliffs

Common name:
Helleno-Carpatho-Balkanic campion siliceous cliffs
Habitat code:

Siliceous cliff communities rich in Dacio-Balkanic endemics of the subalpine level of the eastern Carpathian system and the mountains of the Balkan peninsula, including the Dinarides, the Balkan Range, the Moeso-Macedonian mountains, the Pelagonides and the Rhodopides, of relict character.

Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
H3.151 Southern Carpathian campion siliceous cliffs Southern Carpathian campion siliceous cliffs
H3.152 Carpatho-Balkano-Rhodopide campion siliceous cliffs Carpatho-Balkano-Rhodopide campion siliceous cliffs
H3.153 Pelagonide campion siliceous cliffs Pelagonide campion siliceous cliffs