Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grassland

Common name:
Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grassland
Habitat code:

Wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslands and flood meadows of the boreal and nemoral zones, dominated by grasses (Poaceae), rushes [Juncus] spp. or club-rush [Scirpus sylvaticus].

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Scirpus sylvaticus Linnaeus, 1753 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Carex acuta Linnaeus, 1753 Annex II species - habitat relation; source Unit of Vegetation Science, Lancaster, 2000
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
E3.47 Northern boreal alluvial meadows Northern boreal alluvial meadows
E3.41 Atlantic and sub-Atlantic humid meadows Atlantic and sub-Atlantic humid meadows
E3.42 Sharp-flowered rush meadows [Juncus acutiflorus] meadows
E3.43 Subcontinental riverine meadows Subcontinental riverine meadows
E3.44 Flood swards and related communities Flood swards and related communities
E3.45 Recently abandoned hay meadows Recently abandoned hay meadows
E3.46 Continental humid meadows Continental humid meadows
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name