Charophyte submerged carpets in dystrophic waterbodies

Common name:
Submerged carpets of stoneworts in dystrophic waterbodies
Habitat code:

Charophyte (genera [Chara], [Nitella], [Tolypella], [Nitellopsis], [Lamprothamnium], [Lychnothamnus]) algal carpets of the bottom of unpolluted, oligotrophic to mesotrophic lakes and pools of the Palaearctic region.

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Chara sp. Genus mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Nitella sp. Genus mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Palaemonetes antennarius (H. Milne Edwards, 1837)
Nitella flexilis Ag.
Nitella opaca Ag.
Chara hispida Linnaeus
Chara aspera Deth. ex Willd
Tolypella glomerata (Desv) v. Leonh
Nitellopsis obtusa (Desv. in Lois) J. Gr.