Biocenosis of supralittoral sands

Κοινό όνομα:
Biocenosis of supralittoral sands
Κωδικός ενδιαιτήματος:
, 1998
Επόμενες υπο-διαιρέσεις
Κωδικός EUNIS Όνομα Τύπου Όνομα
B1.221 Facies of depressions with residual humidity Facies of depressions with residual humidity
B1.222 Facies of quickly-drying wracks Facies of quickly-drying wracks
B1.223 Facies of tree trunks which have been washed ashore Facies of tree trunks which have been washed ashore
B1.224 Facies of phanerogams which have been washed ashore (upper part) Facies of phanerogams which have been washed ashore (upper part)