Vertically stratified water column with reduced salinity

Κοινό όνομα:
Vertically stratified water column with reduced salinity
Κωδικός ενδιαιτήματος:
Επόμενες υπο-διαιρέσεις
Κωδικός EUNIS Όνομα Τύπου Όνομα
A7.61 Water column with ephemeral thermal stratification and reduced salinity Water column with ephemeral thermal stratification and reduced salinity
A7.62 Water column with seasonal thermal stratification and reduced salinity Water column with seasonal thermal stratification and reduced salinity
A7.63 Water column with permanent thermal stratification and reduced salinity Water column with permanent thermal stratification and reduced salinity
A7.64 Water column with ephemeral halocline and reduced salinity Water column with ephemeral halocline and reduced salinity
A7.65 Water column with seasonal halocline and reduced salinity Water column with seasonal halocline and reduced salinity
A7.66 Water column with permanent halocline and reduced salinity Water column with permanent halocline and reduced salinity
A7.67 Water column with ephemeral oxygen stratification and reduced salinity Water column with ephemeral oxygen stratification and reduced salinity
A7.68 Water column with seasonal oxygen stratification and reduced salinity Water column with seasonal oxygen stratification and reduced salinity
A7.69 Water column with permanent oxygen stratification and reduced salinity Water column with permanent oxygen stratification and reduced salinity