Geolittoral wetlands and meadows: saline and brackish reed, rush and sedge stands

Κοινό όνομα:
Geolittoral wetlands and meadows: reed, rush and sedge stands
Κωδικός ενδιαιτήματος:
, 1998
Επόμενες υπο-διαιρέσεις
Κωδικός EUNIS Όνομα Τύπου Όνομα
A2.53D1 Geolittoral wetlands and meadows: reed, rush and sedge stands: natural stands Geolittoral wetlands and meadows: saline and brackish reed, rush and sedge stands: natural stands
A2.53D2 Geolittoral wetlands and meadows: reed, rush and sedge stands: harvested stands Geolittoral wetlands and meadows: saline and brackish reed, rush and sedge stands: harvested stands