Sorbus aucuparia Linnaeus, 1753

Vernacular name:
Rowan, European Rowan, Mountain Ash, or European Mountain Ash
EUNIS Code Biotope Type Name Source
B3.4 Soft sea-cliffs, often vegetated Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E.
F2.46 Carpathian [Pinus mugo] scrub ILE SAS
F2.47 Pelago-Dinaride [Pinus mugo] scrub Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
G1.66 Medio-European limestone [Fagus] forests ILE SAS
G1.81 Atlantic [Quercus robur] - [Betula] woods ILE SAS
G1.A52 Sub-boreal [Tilia] forests Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
G3.41 Caledonian forest Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
G1.9 Non-riverine woodland with [Betula], [Populus tremula] or [Sorbus aucuparia] Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E.
G4.8 Mixed non-riverine deciduous and coniferous woodland Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E.
G5.85 Shrubby clearings Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
G1.8711 Western Hercynian woodrush-hawksbeard oak forests Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
G1.6B Mediterraneo-Moesian [Fagus] forests ILE SAS
G1.69 Moesian [Fagus] forests Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
G3.462 Pyrenean siliceous mesophile Scots pine forests Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
G3.4C1 Thessalo-Macedonian Scots pine forests Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.