Salix herbacea L.

EUNIS Code Biotope Type Name Source
E4.11 Boreo-alpine acidocline snow-patch grassland and herb habitats ILE SAS
F2.11 Boreo-alpine acidocline snow-patch [Salix herbacea] scrub ILE SAS
E4.114 Hercynian acid snow patch communities Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
F2.111 Alpic acid dwarf willow snow-patch communities Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
E4.123 Snow buttercup snowbed communities Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
E4.124 Snow grass snowbed communities Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.