Quercus ilex ssp. rotundifolia (Lam.) Tab. Morais, 1940

Vernacular name:
Holm Oak
EUNIS Code Biotope Type Name Source
G2.12 [Quercus ilex] woodland Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
E1.52 [Aphyllanthes] grassland and supra-Mediterranean steppes ILE SAS
G2.124 [Quercus rotundifolia] woodland Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
G2.1 Mediterranean evergreen [Quercus] woodland Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E.
G2.1214 Balearic holm-oak forests Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
G2.1241 Continental [Quercus rotundifolia] woodland Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
G2.1242 Western [Quercus rotundifolia] woodland Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
G2.1243 Andalusian [Quercus rotundifolia] woodland Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
G2.1244 Southwestern [Quercus rotundifolia] woodland Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
G2.1245 Valencian [Quercus rotundifolia] woodland Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
G2.1246 Balearic [Quercus rotundifolia] woodland Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.