Juncus maritimus Lam., 1789

Vernacular name:
Sea rush
EUNIS Code Biotope Type Name Source
E3.1 Mediterranean tall humid grassland Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E.
A2.522 Mediterranean [Juncus maritimus] and [Juncus acutus] saltmarshes Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
C3.27 Halophile [Scirpus], [Bolboschoenus] and [Schoenoplectus] beds ILE SAS
A2.53 Mid-upper saltmarshes and saline and brackish reed, rush and sedge beds Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E.
A2.52 Upper saltmarshes Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E.
A2.531A Atlantic [Juncus maritimus] beds Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
E6.2227 Western Pontic tall grass and rush saline beds Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C.
A2.52A Western Pontic salt humid meadows