Gypsophila papillosa Porta, 1905

EUNIS Code Biotope Type Name Source
F2.2 Evergreen alpine and subalpine heath and scrub Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E.
F3.1 Temperate thickets and scrubs Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E.
G1.A Meso- and eutrophic [Quercus], [Carpinus], [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E.
B1.6 Coastal dune scrub Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E.
F3.2 Submediterranean deciduous thickets and brushes Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E.