Carpatho-Balkanic saxifrage-speedwell-ragwort screes

Common name:
Carpatho-Balkanic saxifrage-speedwell-ragwort screes
Habitat code:

Stony silicate screes of the alpine level of the eastern Carpathian system and the high mountains of the Balkan peninsula, with [Saxifraga carpathica], [Saxifraga pedemontana ssp. cymosa], [Saxifraga adscendens], [Veronica baumgartenii].

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Saxifraga aquatica Lapeyr. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Saxifraga cymosa Engler, 1890 Subspecies mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Veronica baumgartenii Roem. & Schult. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Saxifraga carpatica Sternb. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
H2.3151 Rhodopide ragwort screes Rhodopide ragwort screes
H2.3152 Carpathian saxifrage-speedwell acidophilous screes Carpathian saxifrage-speedwell acidophilous screes
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name
F00000600 F00000600 CENTRAL BALKAN
F00000602 F00000602 TSARICHINA