Humid Central Massif fir-beech forests

Common name:
Humid Central Massif fir-beech forests
Habitat code:

Fir-birch or beech forests of volcanic soils in the 1100-1600 metre range of the central and southern Massif Central, with [Galium odoratum], [Euphorbia hyberna], [Lilium martagon], [Scilla lilio-hyacinthus].

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Euphorbia hyberna L. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Galium odoratum (Linnaeus, 1753) Scop., 1771 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Scilla lilio-hyacinthus L. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Lilium martagon L. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising