Hellenic oro-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths

Common name:
Hellenic oro-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths
Habitat code:

Hedgehog-heaths developed on relatively humus-rich rendziniform soils at or above treeline, in the 1700-2200 m altitudinal range of high Greek mountains; hedgehog-heath facies of associated grasslands; similar, impoverished formations descending into the forest belts of the same mountains, with the exception of those of the Peloponnese, where they are replaced by distinctive formations, listed under F7.48.

ILE SAS, 2005
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
F7.491 Hellenic tragacanth hedgehog-heaths Hellenic tragacanth hedgehog-heaths
F7.492 Oro-Hellenic [Astragalus angustifolius] hedgehog-heaths Oro-Hellenic [Astragalus angustifolius] hedgehog-heaths
F7.493 Hellenic cushion-heaths Hellenic cushion-heaths