Corsican and Sardinian [Genista] phrygana

Common name:
Corsican and Sardinian genista phrygana
Habitat code:

Thermo-Mediterranean formations of headlands and peninsulas of Corsica and Sardinia dominated by cushion-forming spiny [Genista corsica] or [Genista morisii]. These endemic species participate in the constitution of hedgehog-heaths (unit F7.45) as well as in that of the coastal formations listed here, which assume an evident phrygana appearance; they may also enter in the composition of midelevation formations of less distinctive appearance which can be listed under unit F6.18.

ILE SAS, 2005
Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Genista morisii Colla Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Genista corsica (Loisel.) DC. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising