Western [Genista] garrigues

Common name:
Western genista garrigues
Habitat code:

Shrubby formations of the western Mediterranean basin characterized by the abundance of small, spiny brooms such as [Genista scorpius], [Genista hispanica], [Genista corsica], [Genista lucida].

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Genista corsica (Loisel.) DC. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Genista lucida Cambess. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Genista scorpius (L.) DC. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Genista hispanica L. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name
200011005 200011005 GORGES DE GALAMUS
200011009 200011009 MONTAGNE D'ALARIC