[Bruckenthalia] heaths

Common name:
Heaths of spike heath ([Bruckenthalia])
Habitat code:

Formations of [Bruckenthalia spiculifolia], often accompanied by [Juniperus nana], [Vaccinium myrtillus] and herbaceous alpine grassland species, occupying damp, non-calcareous substrates of high mountains of the Balkan peninsula and northern Anatolia.

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Vaccinium myrtillus Linnaeus, 1753 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Juniperus communis nana (Willd., 1806) Syme, 1868 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
F2.264 Anatolian [Bruckenthalia] heaths Anatolian [Bruckenthalia] heaths
F2.261 Rhodopide [Bruckenthalia] heaths Rhodopide [Bruckenthalia] heaths
F2.262 Northwestern Hellenide [Bruckenthalia] heaths Northwestern Hellenide [Bruckenthalia] heaths
F2.263 Carpatho-Balkanic [Bruckenthalia] heaths Carpatho-Balkanic [Bruckenthalia] heaths
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name
A00030006 A00030006 OROS BELES (OROS KERKINI)
A00040014 GR1240002 OROS TZENA
P00000022 P00000022 JAKUPICA
P00000051 P00000051 BELASICA
P0000008E P0000008E CERIPASHINA
P0000009A P0000009A ADZHINA REKA
P0000009C P0000009C KORAB
P0000019B P0000019B PALISNOPJE
P0000022A P0000022A SOLUNSKA GLAVA