Boreo-Alpic calcicolous espalier willow snowbed communities

Common name:
Boreo-Alpic calcicolous espalier willow snowbed communities
Habitat code:

Espalier willow communities of calcareous stone fields submitted to relatively long snow-cover of the Alpids and the boreal mountains, with [Salix reticulata], [Salix retusa].

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Salix reticulata L. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Salix retusa L. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
F2.1211 Alpic espalier willow snowbed communities Alpic espalier willow snowbed communities
F2.1212 Scandinavian espalier willow snowbed communities Scandinavian espalier willow snowbed communities