Boreo-alpine acidocline snow-patch [Salix herbacea] scrub

Common name:
Boreo-alpine acidocline snow-patch dwarf willow scrub
Habitat code:

Acidophile or acidocline snow-patch and snowbed communities of the boreal and arcto-alpine mountains, dominated by dwarf willows. Creeping species dominate, adapted to the short growth season in areas covered by snow for up to eight to ten months. Typical species: [Salix herbacea], [Carex firma], [Dryas octopetala], [Salix retusa], [Aster alpinus] and [Carex sempervirens]. Endemic species are also often found.

ILE SAS, 2005
Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Aster alpinus Linnaeus, 1753 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Dryas octopetala Linnaeus, 1753 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Salix retusa L. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Salix herbacea L. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Carex sempervirens Vill., 1787 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
F2.111 Alpic acid dwarf willow snow-patch communities Alpic acid dwarf willow snow-patch communities
F2.112 Oroboreal moss-dwarf willow snowbed communities Oroboreal moss-dwarf willow snowbed communities