Sarmatic saline steppes

Common name:
Sarmatic saline steppes
Habitat code:

Communities dominated by low tufted grasses and subshrubs, in particular [Festuca pseudovina] and [Artemisia] spp., occupying higher, drier solonetz ground in salt steppes of the southern periphery of the Podolian plateau, of the Central Russian and the Volga plateaux, north of the Pontic and Caspian plains, west to the upper Prut basin and east to the Volga-Kama.

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Festuca pseudovina Hack. ex Wiesb. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
E6.2261 Sarmatic [Artemisia]-[Festuca] salt steppes Sarmatic [Artemisia]-[Festuca] salt steppes
E6.2262 Sarmatic [Petrosimonia] salt steppes Sarmatic [Petrosimonia] salt steppes
E6.2263 Sarmatic [Limonium]-[Festuca] salt steppes Sarmatic [Limonium]-[Festuca] salt steppes