Seewinkel [Lepidium] swards

Common name:
Seewinkel [Lepidium] swards
Habitat code:

Endemic community of the Seewinkel, in the eastern Neusiedlersee basin, developed along the shores of salt ponds, where it occupies higher ground or more landward locations of the solonchak belt than the [Puccinellia] swards of unit 15.A142, and is submitted to more extreme conditions of high saltiness and summer soda efflorescences resulting from a briefer annual period of soaking and less frequent inundations. [Lepidium cartilagineum ssp. crassifolium] dominates alone or in association with [Puccinellia festuciformis ssp. intermedia] ([Puccinellia peisonis]).

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Lepidium cartilagineum ssp. crassifolium (Waldst. & Kit.) Thell. Subspecies mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Puccinellia festuciformis ssp. intermedia (Schur) W.E.Hughes Subspecies mentioned in habitat definition as characterising