Saline puszta

Common name:
Saline puszta
Habitat code:

[Festuca pseudovina] swards of the slightly elevated natron shoulders and low benches of the Pannonic puszta, on saline but permanently dry soils with a thin humic layer. Together with the low-lying rills that score them, they constitute the main landscape of the saline Pannonian steppes; the formations of unit 15.A111 constitute the centre group of communities, those of unit 15.A113 mostly compose intermediate belts between these and the bare or sparsely vegetated rills, those of units 15.A112 and 15.A114 are edaphically or geographically limited variants, that of unit 15.A116 is both transitional to rill vegetation and geographically limited. The communities of unit 15.A115 comprise the transitions between the saline pusztas and saline steppe-forests.

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Festuca pseudovina Hack. ex Wiesb. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
E6.2111 Grassy saline puszta Grassy saline puszta
E6.2112 Grassy psammo-saline puszta Grassy psammo-saline puszta
E6.2113 [Artemisia] saline puszta [Artemisia] saline puszta
E6.2114 East Pannonic [Petrosimonia]-[Artemisia] salt steppes East Pannonic [Petrosimonia]-[Artemisia] salt steppes
E6.2115 Saline forest-edge meadow-steppe Saline forest-edge meadow-steppe
E6.2116 East Pannonic [Limonium]-[Artemisia] salt steppes East Pannonic [Limonium]-[Artemisia] salt steppes
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name
H03400270 H03400270 SARRET WETLANDS