Oro-Iberian calciphilous stripped grasslands

Common name:
Oro-Iberian calciphilous stripped grasslands
Habitat code:

Thermophile, open, stripped and garland fescue grasslands of calcareous upper slopes and summits in the subalpine and oro-Mediterranean levels of the Cantabrian mountains, the Iberian Range and the calcareous Baetic ranges, dominated by [Festuca hystrix], [Festuca burnatii], [Poa ligulata] or [Oreochloa confusa]. They are closely allied to the Iberian fescue frost-grasslands (unit 34.73) of the supra-Mediterranean and montane levels of the same mountains.

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Festuca hystrix Boiss. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Festuca burnatii St.-Yves Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Oreochloa confusa (Coincy) Rouy Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Poa ligulata Boiss. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name
B00000074 B00000074 SERRANIA DE CUENCA
B00000068 B00000068 SIERRA DE AYLLON
B00000131 B00000131 SIERRA DE VALDEMECA
B00000035 B00000035 SIERRA NEVADA
B00000069 B00000069 ALTO TAJO
B00000246 B00000246 SIERRA DE LAS NIEVES
B00000229 B00000229 SIERRA DE BAZA
B00000486 B00000486 SIERRA DE GADOR