Dinaro-Moesian mesophile closed calcicolous grasslands

Common name:
Dinaro-Moesian mesophile closed calcicolous grasslands
Habitat code:

Closed weakly acidophile grasslands developed on deep relatively nutrient-rich well-watered soils overlying limestones in sheltered locations of the alpine and subalpine levels of mountain systems of the Balkan peninsula.

Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
E4.4181 Dinaric rusty sedge grasslands Dinaric rusty sedge grasslands
E4.4182 Dinaric bellflower grasslands Dinaric bellflower grasslands
E4.4183 Western Balkanic calcicolous scabious-fescue grasslands Western Balkanic calcicolous scabious-fescue grasslands