Oro-Iberian acidophilous stripped grasslands

Common name:
Oro-Iberian acidophilous stripped grasslands
Habitat code:

Thermophile, open, stripped and garland fescue grasslands of siliceous upper slopes and summits of the high Mediterranean mountains of the Iberian peninsula, locally extending into the Euro-Siberian domaine in the subalpine level of the Cantabrian mountains.

Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
E4.3611 Cantabrian acidophilous stripped grasslands Cantabrian acidophilous stripped grasslands
E4.3612 Iberian Range acidophilous stripped grasslands Iberian Range acidophilous stripped grasslands
E4.3613 Cordilleran [Festuca] stripped grasslands Cordilleran [Festuca] stripped grasslands
E4.3614 Cordilleran [Agrostis] stripped grasslands Cordilleran [Agrostis] stripped grasslands
E4.3615 Nevadan [Festuca indigesta] stripped grasslands Nevadan [Festuca indigesta] stripped grasslands
E4.3616 Nevadan [Agrostis] stripped grasslands Nevadan [Agrostis] stripped grasslands
E4.3617 Nevadan tall fescue stripped grasslands Nevadan tall fescue stripped grasslands
E4.3618 Nevadan [Festuca clementei] stripped grasslands Nevadan [Festuca clementei] stripped grasslands
E4.3619 Nevadan [Trisetum] stripped grasslands Nevadan [Trisetum] stripped grasslands
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name
B00000019 B00000019 SIERRA CEBOLLERA