Alpigenous crooked-sedge grasslands

Common name:
Alpigenous crooked-sedge grasslands
Habitat code:

Formations of the Alps, of the Pyrenees and of the Carpathians, to which the dominance of the crooked sedge, [Carex curvula], with twisted leaves whithering early at the tip, gives a highly distinctive texture and yellow-brown hue.

Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
E4.3411 Alpine [Carex curvula] grasslands Alpine [Carex curvula] grasslands
E4.3412 Pyrenean [Carex curvula] grasslands Pyrenean [Carex curvula] grasslands
E4.3413 Carpathian [Carex curvula] grasslands Carpathian [Carex curvula] grasslands
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name
B00000126 B00000126 LARRA