Sub-Atlantic hill pastures

Common name:
Sub-Atlantic hill pastures
Habitat code:

Pastures mostly of uplands of Western Europe, Central Europe and Eastern Europe, less treated, rougher and more species-rich than those of unit 38.111, often with the cespitose [Festuca nigrescens] and a significant representation of nitrofuge species.

Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name
H01200810 H01200810 ORSEG HILL LAND
H04200210 H04200210 MATRA MOUNTAINS
H01300200 H01300200 BAKONY MOUNTAINS
H01300201 H01300201 HIGH BAKONY
H04300880 H04300880 TOKAJ HILL (NAGYKOPASZ)