Unbroken pastures

Common name:
Unbroken pastures
Habitat code:

Continuous pastureland of Euro-Siberian Europe, Atlantic Iberia and the Cordillera Central, the Apennines and the supra-Mediterranean zone of the Balkan peninsula and Greece. [Cynosurus cristatus] is usually present.

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Cynosurus cristatus Linnaeus, 1753 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
E2.111 Ryegrass pastures Ryegrass pastures
E2.112 Atlantic [Cynosurus]-[Centaurea] pastures Atlantic [Cynosurus]-[Centaurea] pastures
E2.113 Sub-Atlantic hill pastures Sub-Atlantic hill pastures
E2.114 Continental pastures Continental pastures