Dry mediterranean lands with unpalatable non-vernal herbaceous vegetation

Common name:
Dry mediterranean lands with unpalatable non-vernal herbaceous vegetation
Habitat code:

Dry lands with shrub cover < 10%, and with a large component of non-vernal unpalatable plants, including geophytes ([Asphodelus], [Urginea]), thistles ([Carthamus], [Carlina], [Centaurea], [Onopordum]), [Ferula] and [Phlomis], especially characteristic of the drier parts of the Mediterranean basin. These habitats usually result from over-grazing of garrigue, which eliminates the shrubs.

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Asphodelus sp. Genus mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Carlina sp. Genus mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Centaurea sp. Genus mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Ferula sp. Genus mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Onopordum sp. Genus mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Phlomis sp. Genus mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
E1.C4 Giant fennel ([Ferula]) stands [Ferula] stands
E1.C1 Asphodel fields [Asphodelus] fields
E1.C2 Thistle fields Thistle fields
E1.C3 Brushes dominated by [Phlomis] species [Phlomis] brushes
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name