Southern fluviatile dunes

Common name:
Southern fluviatile dunes
Habitat code:

Dunes of the great rivers of middle Europe (Seine, Loire, Saone, upper Rhine, upper Elbe). A small remnant exists in the Po plain of northern Italy. Like the fluvioglacial dunes of northern Europe, they carry specialised and rare ecosystems and are highly vulnerable. They are much more calcareous than the northern inland dunes and their grasslands (units E1.12, E1.28 i.a.) have a substeppic character contrasting with that of neighbouring regions.

ILE SAS, 2005
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name
166217176 166217176 PFUNGSTAEDTER MOOR
423309007 423309007 DINKELLAND
E12200138 E12200138 BETLEM
F00010900 F00010900 VARDIM