Boreo-arctic [Agrostis]-[Festuca] grasslands

Common name:
Boreo-arctic [Agrostis]-[Festuca] grasslands
Habitat code:

Grasslands of subarctic affinities of the northern boreal and middle boreal zones of northern Scandinavia and northwestern Russia, of the alpine and arcto-alpine zones of the Caledonian chains of Scandinavia and of lowlands and hills of Iceland, composed of [Festuca] spp., [Agrostis capillaris], with [Anthoxanthum odoratum], other grass species, often with [Polygonum viviparum] and other herbs.

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Polygonum viviparum L. Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Anthoxanthum odoratum Linnaeus, 1753 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
E1.7221 Boreo-subalpine [Agrostis] grasslands Boreo-subalpine [Agrostis] grasslands
E1.7222 Icelandic [Anthoxanthum]-[Hierochloe] grasslands Icelandic [Anthoxanthum]-[Hierochloe] grasslands
E1.7223 Northern boreal [Festuca] grasslands Northern boreal [Festuca] grasslands
E1.7224 Icelandic [Festuca] grasslands Icelandic [Festuca] grasslands
E1.7225 Fenno-Scandian [Avenula pratensis]-[Festuca rubra] grasslands Fenno-Scandian [Avenula pratensis]-[Festuca rubra] grasslands
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name
F00000600 F00000600 CENTRAL BALKAN
F00002400 F00002400 RILA
F00002700 F00002700 PIRIN
F00003600 F00003600 WEST RODOPI
F00003900 F00003900 KUPENA
F00004000 F00004000 BATASHKA PLANINA
F00000100 F00000100 WEST BALKAN
F00002500 F00002500 KRESNA
F00004100 F00004100 TRIGRADSKI KARST
F00004200 F00004200 DEVIN
F00000101 F00000101 KOM
F00000601 F00000601 BOATIN
F00000602 F00000602 TSARICHINA
F00000603 F00000603 STENETO
F00000604 F00000604 DJENDEMITE
F00000605 F00000605 SOKOLNA
F00000700 F00000700 CHEPUN
F00000900 F00000900 VITOSHA
F00001000 F00001000 LOZENSKA PLANINA
F00002200 F00002200 OSOGOVO
F00002701 F00002701 ORELYAK
F00003400 F00003400 MELNISHKI PIRAMIDI
F00003700 F00003700 YADENITSA
F00004300 F00004300 MURSALITSA
F00005900 F00005900 CHUMERNA
F00006300 F00006300 KOTLENSKA PLANINA
F00006400 F00006400 SINITE KAMUNI
F00001900 F00001900 KONYAVSKA PLANINA
F00001100 F00001100 SREDNA GORA
F00001200 F00001200 ROUI
F00000200 F00000200 PONOR
F00001300 F00001300 KRAISHTE
F00001500 F00001500 GOLEM VRUH
F00004400 F00004400 PERSENK
F00003000 F00003000 SOKOLATA
F00003800 F00003800 KLEPTUZA