Viper's grass dry grasslands

Common name:
Viper's grass dry grasslands
Habitat code:

Sub-Mediterranean xeric grasslands of the Adriatic façade of the Balkan peninsula, within the [Ostryo-Carpinion adriaticum] zone, developed on deeper more acidified soils than the formations of units 34.751 and 34.752, over flysch or schists, or over loam or clay covered limestones.

Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
E1.5533 Restharrow-brome grasslands Restharrow-brome grasslands
E1.5534 Viper's grass-catsear grasslands Viper's grass-catsear grasslands
E1.5535 Lousewort-dwarf sedge grasslands Lousewort-dwarf sedge grasslands
E1.5536 Croatian fescue-meadowgrass grasslands Croatian fescue-meadowgrass grasslands
E1.5537 Cleistogenes grasslands Cleistogenes grasslands
E1.5531 Viper's grass-lime sieglinglia grasslands Viper's grass-lime sieglinglia grasslands
E1.5532 Spurge-chrysopogon grasslands Spurge-chrysopogon grasslands
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name
S00000028 S00000028 KRASKI PARK
S00000011 S00000011 PARK DRAGONJA
S00000087 S00000087 VIPAVA S POVODJEM