Mountain savory-chrysopogon dry grasslands

Common name:
Mountain savory-chrysopogon dry grasslands
Habitat code:

Sub-Mediterranean xeric grasslands of the submontane and montane levels of the Adriatic façade of the Balkan peninsula, within the upper levels of the [Ostryo-Carpinion adriaticum] zone, reaching locally to the beech level, of more medio-European physiognomy than the formations of unit 34.751, and somewhat reminiscent of [Bromion erecti] grasslands.

Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
E1.5521 Rock knapweed-dwarf sedge grasslands Rock knapweed-dwarf sedge grasslands
E1.5522 Savory-edraianthus grasslands Savory-edraianthus grasslands
E1.5523 Mucronated sedge grasslands Mucronated sedge grasslands
E1.5524 Triestine knapweed-chrysopogon grasslands Triestine knapweed-chrysopogon grasslands
E1.5525 Silky greenwood-[Sesleria] grasslands Silky greenwood-[Sesleria] grasslands