Eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grassland

Common name:
Eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grassland
Habitat code:

Open, xeric grasslands on carbonate rocks or flysh of the sub-Mediterranean zones of Trieste, Istria, the Balkan peninsula and of the Ostryo-Carpinion zone of Greece, where they coexist with steppic grasslands of the Festucetalia valesiacae (unit E1.21), developing in areas of lesser continentality than the latter, and incorporating a greater Mediterranean element than they do; like the steppic grasslands, however, they are often dominated by [Carex humilis]. Maintained by extensive mowing or grazing, they are invaded by tall herbs after abandonment.

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Carex humilis Leysser, 1761 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
E1.554 Bosnian dolomite grasslands Bosnian dolomite grasslands
E1.553 Viper's grass dry grasslands Viper's grass dry grasslands
E1.552 Mountain savory-chrysopogon dry grasslands Mountain savory-chrysopogon dry grasslands
E1.551 Lowland savory-chrysopogon dry grasslands Lowland savory-chrysopogon dry grasslands