Helleno-Balkanic andropogonid grass steppes

Common name:
Helleno-Balkanic andropogonid grass steppes
Habitat code:

Meso-, thermo- and sub-Mediterranean steppes of Greece and the southern Balkan peninsula, north to Albania and the F.Y.R. of Macedonia, constituted by cespitose andropogonid grasses such as [Dichanthium ischaemum], [Hyparrhenia hirta], [Andropogon distachyos], or [Chrysopogon gryllus]. They are continued in Bulgaria by the steppic grasslands of unit 34.31632 (Corine), and in the western Balkan peninsula by tall-grass steppic grasslands of units 34.751, 34.752 and 34.753 (Corine), in particular, of unit 34.7524 (Corine). They are represented farther north in the southern Alpine region by grasslands of unit 34.327 (Corine).