Andropogonid grass steppes

Common name:
Andropogonid grass steppes
Habitat code:

Meso- and thermo-Mediterranean steppes of North Africa, Spain, southern France, Italy and the central Mediterranean islands, Greece, the Balkans and western Asia, constituted by cespitose andropogonid grasses such as [Hyparrhenia hirta], [Andropogon distachyos], [Dichanthium ischaemum] ([Andropogon ischaemum]), or [Chrysopogon gryllus].

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Andropogon distachyos Linnaeus, 1753 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Chrysopogon gryllus (Linnaeus, 1753) Trin., 1820 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Dichanthium ischaemum (Linnaeus, 1753) Roberty, 1960 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Dichanthium insculptum (A.Rich.) Clayton Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Hyparrhenia hirta (Linnaeus, 1753) Stapf, 1919 Species mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
E1.4341 Iberian andropogonid grass steppes Iberian andropogonid grass steppes
E1.4342 Provençal andropogonid grass steppes Provençal andropogonid grass steppes
E1.4343 Central Mediterranean andropogonid grass steppes Central Mediterranean andropogonid grass steppes
E1.4344 Helleno-Balkanic andropogonid grass steppes Helleno-Balkanic andropogonid grass steppes
E1.4345 Mediterraneo-Anatolian andropogonid grass steppes Mediterraneo-Anatolian andropogonid grass steppes