Mediterranean tall-grass and [Artemisia] steppes

Common name:
Mediterranean tall-grass and wormwood ([Artemisia]) steppes
Habitat code:

Meso-, thermo- and sometimes supra-Mediterranean formations of the Mediterranean basin, physiognomically dominated by tall grasses, between which may grow communities of annuals or sometimes chamaephytes. They include silicicolous as well as basiphile formations. In the Mediterranean region proper, they are most characteristic of the Iberian peninsula and of the Mediterranean rim of Anatolia, with local representations in southern Provence, Sardinia, southern peninsular Italy, Sicily and Greece. In the semiarid regions between the Mediterranean and the deserts of western Asia, they dominate the landscape, forming a major steppe belt in which low scrub of [Artemisia] may be prominent.

Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
E1.41 Alpha ([Stipa tenacissima]) steppes [Stipa tenacissima] steppes
E1.42 Esparto ([Lygeum spartum]) steppes [Lygeum spartum] steppes
E1.43 Mediterranean steppes dominated by tall grasses other than alpha or esparto Mediterranean steppes dominated by tall grasses other than [Stipa tenacissima] or [Lygeum spartum]
E1.44 Cane steppes Cane steppes
E1.45 Sub-Mediterranean wormwood steppes Sub-Mediterranean [Artemisia] steppes