Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppes

Common name:
Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppes
Habitat code:

Perennial grasslands, often nutrient-poor and species-rich, on calcareous and other basic soils of the nemoral and steppe zones and of adjacent parts of the subboreal and submediterranean zones. Includes the calcareous grasslands of central and western Europe, alvar grasslands of the Baltic region, and basic grasslands of the steppe zone. Vegetation communities of Festuco-Brometea.

ILE SAS, 2005
Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Cypripedium calceolus Linnaeus, 1753 Annex II species - habitat relation; source Unit of Vegetation Science, Lancaster, 2000
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
E1.21 Helleno-Balkanic savory steppes Helleno-Balkanic [Satureja montana] steppes
E1.2B Serpentine steppes Serpentine steppes