Floating broad-leaved carpets

Common name:
Floating broad-leaved carpets
Habitat code:

Formations of Palaearctic waters dominated by rooted aquatic plants with large floating leaves, often with a stratum of submerged species ([Ceratophyllum], [Myriophyllum], [Potamogeton]) and occasionally free-floating [Utricularia] spp., characteristic of large, permanent water bodies.

Important species scientific name Corresponding species comments
Potamogeton sp. Genus mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Utricularia sp. Genus mentioned in habitat definition as characterising
Palaemonetes antennarius (H. Milne Edwards, 1837)
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
C1.2411 Waterlily beds Waterlily beds
C1.2412 Water chestnut carpets Water chestnut carpets
C1.2413 Fringed waterlily carpets Fringed waterlily carpets
C1.2414 Broad-leaved pondweed carpets Broad-leaved pondweed carpets
C1.2415 Amphibious bistort carpets Amphibious bistort carpets
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name
A00010003 GR1130001 LIMNI MANA (MITRIKOU)