Littoral rock and other hard substrata

Common name:
Littoral rock and other hard substrata
Habitat code:

Littoral rock includes habitats of bedrock, boulders and cobbles which occur in the intertidal zone (the area of the shore between high and low tides) and the splash zone. The upper limit is marked by the top of the lichen zone and the lower limit by the top of the laminarian kelp zone. There are many physical variables affecting rocky shore communities – wave exposure, salinity, temperature and the diurnal emersion and immersion of the shore. Wave exposure is most commonly used to characterise littoral rock, from ‘extremely exposed’ on the open coast to ‘extremely sheltered’ in enclosed inlets. Exposed shores tend to support faunal-dominated communities of barnacles and mussels and some robust seaweeds. Sheltered shores are most notable for their dense cover of fucoid seaweeds, with distinctive zones occurring down the shore. In between these extremes of wave exposure, on moderately exposed shores, mosaics of seaweeds and barnacles are more typical.

, 2004
Next sub-divisions
EUNIS Code Type Name Name
A1.4 Features of littoral rock Features of littoral rock
A1.1 High energy littoral rock High energy littoral rock
A1.2 Moderate energy littoral rock Moderate energy littoral rock
A1.3 Low energy littoral rock Low energy littoral rock
Sites in which this biotope type has been recorded
EUNIS Site Code Source Greek Natura 2000 code Site name
Q01300303 Q01300303 KARABURUNI